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contoh kalimat elton john

"elton john" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • He looks like Elton John. but more gay.
    Dia terlihat seperti Elton John. tapi lebih gay.
  • Madonna finally forgave Elton John for calling her
    Madonna finally forgave Elton John for calling her
  • Because I love me some Elton John.
    Karena saya mencintai saya beberapa Elton John .
  • There's a reason he's Sir Elton John.
    Ada alasan nya kenapa dia Sir Elton John.
  • I don't know, you'd have to ask Elton John.
    Aku tak tau, kau harus tanya Elton John.
  • It looks like backstage at an Elton John concert!
    Itu nampak seperti belakang panggung konser Elton John! Hentikan!
  • I worked with Elton John. I worked with Otis Redding.
    Aku bekerjasama dengan Elton John, dengan Otis Redding.
  • Odell grew up listening to Elton John.
    Odell tumbuh dengan mendengarkan lagu-lagu Elton John.
  • "James Newton Howard – Elton John Story".
    Diakses tanggal 2011-01-02. ^ "James Newton Howard – Elton John Story".
  • My dad was a big Elton John fan.
    Ayahku penggemar berat Elton John.
  • You love me some Elton John?
    Kau mencintaiku beberapa Elton John ?
  • Its writing was inspired by a multitude of artists including Elton John.
    Penulisannya terinspirasi oleh banyak seniman termasuk Elton John.
  • "Elton John delivers proceeds to Diana charity".
    Diakses tanggal 4 Januari 2017. ^ "Elton John delivers proceeds to Diana charity".
  • Do I look like Elton John?
    Apa aku seperti Elton John?
  • You're a sucker for Elton John.
    Kau sangat menyukai Elton John.
  • You know, I saw him with Elton John in Shea Stadium.
    Kau tahu, aku melihatnya bersama Elton John di Stadion Shea.
  • Let's talk music. Do you like the Elton John song,"Rocket Man"?
    Uh, mari bicara musik. kau suka lagu Elton John, "Rocket Man"?
  • Elton John songbooks memorized, including every single Katy Perry hit, as well.
    Elton John, sudah kuhapalkan, termasuk semua lagu hit-nya Katy Perry.
  • It's like that Elton John song.
    Seperti lagu Elton John.
  • The £3 million development was partly funded via a loan from Elton John.
    Pembangunan tersebut sebagian dibiayai oleh pinjaman dari Elton John.
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